Course Comments

This is for the Master of Metaphysical Healing course comments, offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. Please feel free to comment and engage in meaningful discussion. The course can be found at Metaphysical Healing Course.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Metaphysical Healing

From:  Rev. Joe

Subject: Lesson 7,  Shower Technique

To all my  brothers and sisters

In my experiences dealing with negative energy or cross-contamination to another person should be avoided. In my early days of doing healings I had witnessed the illness and the effects associated with different people, it’s not a good feeling. Making it clear to the client of their responsibilities in relation to spreading “bad” energy to each other mainly by not following simple procedures after a session that can be avoided. Sometimes when you have many clients in a short period of time it’s easy to miss a simple check mark and find yourself becoming out-of-balance and sick, this happens when a practitioner tries to cut corners, and what should be is to pace yourself and schedule your clients accordingly that will fit in your time frame.
You can clear or move this stagnate energy by visualizing taking a water shower or pouring a golden-whitish water over your head at the very top and moving your body so the waters can reach different parts of your body, even the bottoms of the feet. After a complete cleansing visualization stepping out not on the physical floor but just above it while a large rotating clean air fan is drying you with golden-violet light.
After a session it is very important to sweep the client aura again and re-ground them. I have been told by many friends, family and  clients that after a healing session regardless whether it’s a short or long session they have felt as if the energy is still there weeks after and as far as animals and plants they show it as well.
Before and after I remind the client of the responsibility that had been disgust  in the agreement that was needed by the client for the proper care needed. I ask for the client to drink two glasses of purified water after the session which I provide and two after they return home, by drinking water this aids the loose negative energy can be passed out with the waste products.
I believe washing your hands is a must to stop any cross-contamination to yourself and your next client, if you are out in the field some good anti-biotic throw away towels are helpful, for very short sessions clapping your hands and opening to the air has worked for me.
A good way to remove toxins from body if a shower is not available is to use Epson Salt in a bath tub soak in the tub, that can remove some impurities and toxins as well.
Take care and practice responsible and keep yourself clean.  

Thank you’ll  again for allowing me to share my opinions in this lesson.

May you’ll Stay in the Light,

Rev. Joe


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