Course Comments

This is for the Master of Metaphysical Healing course comments, offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. Please feel free to comment and engage in meaningful discussion. The course can be found at Metaphysical Healing Course.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Metaphysical Healing

When thinking about the gift of being a good channeler is to take care of yourself in mind,body & spirit. healing is not intended to be hard to do, just be honest with yourself on who and what intentions your have on the channeling, When I do distant healing I keep a small private log just to verify that when I speak to the person, most say to me around 9 PM I felt a strange feeling on my neck and the pain I was having went away.
In my experiences before I do any healing I balance and ground myself through the chakra system, this aliens my system to receive for my crown chakra to open easier so I can draw down the energy from the life force energy I which the flow is 100%, as it enters my body and goes to my hands and feet and also lights me up and control the correct amount of energy that the healee receives after the subject has received the energy, the healing part become when and how the subject uses this healing. Sometimes people tell me I don't feel any different, some say I don't know it's something I have never felt before, some say even after weeks that they still feel the affect and some say it didn't work on me.
I believe all life force energy is true, it always has an effect,but we do have the right to take it or leave it. Some people rather stay sick, than be healed, they receive more attention from people, but it always work, in the positive. Most people say I can't do that, it's against my religion, I have been call a witch many times, as long as you keep yourself in the light and balance and stay healthy a healer should not have any trouble.
Where does it come from my source is my Creator, the Spirit in the sky or the Great Spirit, believe me it works.
It's true you do not need to have any faith, you don't need to be religious the best thing about the Creator is he see no religion, he see his creation.
That's about it. Peace to you, Rev. Joe  


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