Course Comments

This is for the Master of Metaphysical Healing course comments, offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. Please feel free to comment and engage in meaningful discussion. The course can be found at Metaphysical Healing Course.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Metaphysical Healing

I've been reading over the lessons. 

I read the introduction of Katharine Lee, and it's quite impressive and hard to match a story after that one.
I started learning about healing around 1974, I first attended Dr. Joseph Romero's Symposium International, in a nut shell, it was a live course teaching the ways our body can make us ill or death. We make the basic decisions through our life that leads us down a path on what we think of ourselves, others, the world, and so on, all this controls our lives, to the point of death if we want to, but with a controlled positive mind we can control our fate and our sicken and ultimately our world.
I have looked into different forms of the art of healing and have been successful in many forms, Touch for Heath looking for a fix all, but winding up not getting the correct result.

At one point when my oldest brother was dying of cancer, I was determined to find something that would heal him, after reading more books that proclaimed to have the cure all, I wound up empty handed, I finally got a book and found out no one has the keys to life, except ONE, we have no control over life..

What I have found that if you can channel your life in a positive direction this will give you a sense of mind to further your life some what, rather that disregarding all the medical advise about smoking, drinking and so in excess and how this type of path breaks your organs down to somewhat open a door to let an illness or worst come in and lessen our lives.

Up to this day I'm a REIKI master, but I practice all forms of healing, whatever works I do it. I believe that before we are born, we somehow make a contract with the Creator on when and where and how long we stay on earth, unless we shorten our lives by doing dumb things to our system and bodies, this nothing to do with the Creator, but that who we blame when we fall.
Think I have said enough for now. Peace with you, Rev. Joe


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